Life is beautiful and more beautiful than it, are the pleasures wich there are during the life.
And everyone who has more pleasures is more fortunate.
But... what kind of pleasure? Are the pleasures wich get from material successes equal with other pleasures? Are all of them in one grade?
I believe that having give a valuable gift might be remain in poeple mind for much time, but surely its influence isn't more from a sheep's Eye, or a love speaking, or a love kiss, or...
The efect from gift remain in mind and nous, but the effect of love remain in heart.
I want to be lover, Because all the life of one lover is full from feeling, clean pleasure and more...
yes, this is my belief. I want to love somebody and somebody love me inly, and it's so! I'm very fortunate, I don't have any grief, I'm lucky ! Yes... Its me.
What do you think ?